Small Town Square

The small town square is the small town version of a downtown. Like a lot of small towns, there are many businesses located around the square here. Oregon does have one side that is residential. But, buildings line the other three streets. Although, all the buildings are not used for businesses. For this tour, we are going to take a look at the buildings along the North side of Nodaway St, the main road through Oregon.

The North side of the square in Oregon, MO

I took this picture standing on the southwest corner facing the North. It is difficult to get the whole block in view. You should recognize the building on the far left, it was the star of THIS post that talks about the King & Proud building, which is a restaurant/bar. It is definitely the attention getter on the block. But all the buildings have a lot of character.

One of my favorite things about this group of buildings is that although they are all connected, they are all different. The small shorter building beside the King and Proud is an insurance office and then a bank. The blue building is not currently being used as an open business. Then, there is the newspaper office, a hair salon, and then another small area that isn’t being used as an open business. The building with the awning is our town’s little grocery store. A retail business that recently closed is beside the grocery store. An empty building sits next to the grocery store. Then there are the apartments that were shown HERE.

The north side of our small town square has the most buildings and businesses in them. If you live in town, you most likely visit this side more frequently than the others. There are some great businesses and buildings on the other streets though! There will be more on those later.

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The Word

Romans 12:2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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