The King and Proud Building

The King and Proud Building

The King and Proud Building
The King and Proud Building in Oregon, MO

The King and Proud building is one of the most prominent buildings on the square. It is located along the main highway through town on the northwest corner. Its large size and architecture grabs the attention of any passer-byers.

The building has had a little storm damage in this photo along with just recently getting new owners. The new owner plans to do some improvements to the old building, according to their Facebook page. A bar and restaurant has occupied the space as long as I have been around this area. The new owner is operating the same kind of business.

The community holds many events here throughout the year including kids activities at Christmas Around the Square in December, fundraisers for the Holt County Autumn festival and many, many private events. I would be surprised if there is even one local person, given they have lived here longer than a year or so, that has not been inside this building. This is a must stop when travelling through Oregon!

If you are interested in learning about the history of this area, a great place to go is the Holt County Museum’s Facebook page. They post a lot of interesting stories and history. You can see the museum page here.

To check out more buildings around the square, browse through The Places category.

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The Word

Romans 12:4-5. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

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