kids trying out the marionette

The Puppet Show- Small Town Living

The Setting

Hector called his puppet show, “The Smallest Show on Earth”. But it sure didn’t feel like the smallest show on Earth! People, young and old, gathered inside the barn behind the Holt County Museum. The museum put benches and chairs out in front of the homemade bright yellow stage. Matching in brightness, red curtains hung on the front of the stage, hiding the set until the cast was ready. This made a colorful setting for the vintage marionettes. Meanwhile, the puppeteers and helpers were busy organizing and getting ready. Only their heads were visible moving around, bodies hidden by the curtain.

The vintage puppets preparing for their big show.

The Preparation

The people who worked behind the scenes are even more amazing than the marionettes. Hector put in hard work and lots of time to get ready for the puppet show. Preparation included planning the show, getting the word out, and finding volunteers. Days before the show, Hector and his stringed cast went around town to make videos and snap pictures. And then he posted these on his social media to show a hint of what was to come.

Hector and his assistants along with the stars of the show, the puppets

The Puppet Show

The “Smallest Show on Earth” began with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the lively characters took the stage and it was on with the show! The characters performed skits, sang and danced. They taught us all a life lesson as they escaped the black and white world. Hector invited the audience to take part in the show. He offered them their own puppets and handed out “special” imagination sparking glasses. You could hear giggles (and a groan or two) as Hector encouraged the audience to put them on. At the end of the show, audience members could go up to the stage to try the marionettes. The children did not hesitate! The grown ups were a little shy though.

The kids get a chance to play after the show.

The End

Our community is grateful for Hector’s hard work and his willingness to share his talents. He helps make this community better in many ways, not only puppet shows! This means even more knowing that he is a part time resident. He travels back and forth from his home state of California. I hope that Hector’s work will inspire other community members to help share the arts. We have so much talent in our little community in Holt County, Missouri. I would love to be able to SEE that talent as I go through town.

To see more pictures and videos of “The Smallest Show on Earth”, visit my Facebook page, Lisa Lark, Create. Also, you can learn a lot more about Hector and his beautiful vintage marionettes by visiting his Instagram page, Hector.Sabates.

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The Word

Isaiah 64:8 KJV. But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

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