feet of the community prayer group members

Faith in Community

Something very special happens on the courtyard in Oregon, MO every 2nd and 4th Thursday. Everyone in the community is invited, but usually a handful or less make their way to the gazebo at 12:30pm. Community member, Theresa Mackey, saw the need for the meetings back in March of 2021. Our community and the world was in the midst of the Covid pandemic and felt division and isolation.

Theresa leading a prayer group
Theresa Mackey leads the small group. From Left: David Lancey, Jim Kelly, Theresa Mackey, Renee Miller

About Theresa

Theresa is not a lifelong resident of Oregon, but she is from Holt County. She graduated from Mound City High School and later landed in Oregon, MO with her family. She has been a minister since 1989 when she started with the Community of Christ Church. Presently, you are greeted by her friendly smile when stopping by the local telephone office and you are sure to see her at the pool in the summer with her grandkids.

The First Meeting

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 states “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. This scripture inspired Theresa’s prayer at the first ever community prayer meeting. Theresa invited all the area ministers and community to pause their busy day for 15 minutes to glorify the Lord, at a time outside the normal Sunday and Wednesday night services. This would be “a time to pray to our Lord in thanksgiving and to lay our needs before Him.” The prayers focus on the community, local region, nation and world as well as praise and thanksgiving. Theresa envisioned bringing different churches together and towns people joining the ministers. She wanted residents “to see those who were hurting coming to see the hope in prayer”.

Thursday November 10th, 2022

On the 2nd Thursday of November, I received a reminder from Theresa about the meeting.

Screenshot of text reminder
Theresa sends out a reminder text for the meeting

The day started out at a temperature in the mid 60s but had dropped to the 50s by 12:30. The wind intensified the chill. Although the group started on the courtyard lawn, they moved to the gazebo where the stage helped block the wind.

Theresa started the prayer with Lamentations 3:22, “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” She explained with teary eyes that this verse was on her heart this week. She prayed for those who needed peace, comforting and guidance. Jim Kelly and David Lancey followed with their prayers. They covered everything from local community members all the way to the residents of Ukraine as well as prayers of thanks for shelter from the weather and every day comforts.

Getting Together For Community Prayer

Many local ministers and community members have joined the meetings over the last year and a half to say a prayer or to listen. But, the regulars to pray with Theresa are David Lucas, Brian Buck, Jim Kelly and David Lancey. Theresa says, “We walk away feeling God’s presence in our 15 minutes together. I feel uplifted and humbled while we pray…I, too, feel blessed and honored that these ministers continue to stop, pause and pray with me. They feel the importance of prayer as do I.”

You’re Invited

Gazebo in Oregon, MO
Gazebo on the courtyard

Everyone is welcome to the community prayer meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Meet around the gazebo at 12:30 for about 15 minutes of prayer. If weather is bad, they move to the lobby of the health department. There will be no meeting on Thanksgiving (11/24/22) but Theresa asks that we all stop and take a minute to pray at 12:30. If anyone has needs that they would like them to pray for, you can leave a a note in the drop box at the telephone office. No signature needed.


We are blessed to have people like Theresa in our community. Her strong faith, caring heart and service to our community is part of what holds us together. Please remember her in your prayers as she continues to lead these meetings.

The Word

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, KJV. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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