About the Big Picture Small Town Blog

Big Picture Small Town is a lifestyle blog about life in a small town. We welcome you to come on in and stay awhile!

About the town

Holt County, MO county courthouse

Nestled next to the Missouri River, the small town of Oregon, MO is a few curvy country miles off of  Interstate 29. Most people just drive on by exit 67. However, there are close to 1000 people that do small town life in Oregon or the neighboring communities. Our town is similar to many other small towns. For example, there are no stoplights, the school has K-12 all in one campus, and the town square, lined with century old brick buildings is bare on Sunday evenings. Oregon has a single one way street. It also has a few small businesses along the main drag, and more than enough options for your Sunday church service. You will drive through farmland on the way in and on the way out. And in order to go to work, a large portion of the residents drive in and out every day. 

To get a quick idea of the Oregon, MO small town life, click here to visit their official website!

That, in conclusion, is the big picture of Oregon, MO. The Big Picture Small Town blog is going to show you the details, the building blocks like pixels that make up the big picture. Through photographs and stories, you can explore the people, places, things and the spirit of this small town from the view of my camera lens.  I hope you enjoy the tour of our small town life and love this town as much as I do!

About me and my small town life

Lisa Lark

My name is Lisa Lark and I am a working wife and mom living the small town life. After staying in both big and small cities, I believe there is something special about a small town community. I am especially anxious to tell you all about the people and places in my community of Oregon, MO. When you are ready to take the tour, click here. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you come back soon!

The Word

At the end of each post there will be a section titled “The Word”. I will post a verse from the Bible that may relate to the post, that inspired the post, or I just felt should be there.

2 Peter 3:18. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

Please note that any content is the property of Lisa Lark Photography. Please visit here for additional info.