The family out in the field looking for mushrooms

Mushroom Hunting

Chesney found a mushroom!

Mushrooms aren’t usually the first thing that pops in to your head when you think of hunting. Unless it is spring in a small town in Northwest Missouri! And mushroom hunting is for everyone!

Morel mushrooms are the easiest to find during a short 4-6 week time span in the spring. To hunt these mushrooms grab some some tick repellent, a good walking stick and several of the grocery bags that are stuffed in your cabinet.  

Family mushroom hunting

Once you get your bag full enough, and hopefully you find enough that you do, head home to get them ready to eat! The first thing you do is take a picture for bragging rights on social media. Then soak them, clean them, cut off the stems, then bread and fry! After that, the cooking and eating are usually a family affair as well.

Don’t forget to take a picture to show off to your friends!

Mushroom hunting is a fun activity for the whole family to get out and enjoy the outdoors.  I still remember of when our family went out on the search for mushrooms when I was a kid. In fact, I swear my dad was good enough at seeing them some days that we could just drive by real slow and he could spot them! 

Mushroom hunting is not just about the mushrooms! After several months of winter and cold, it is something we look forward to every year. It is the family time and the time out in nature that makes it memorable. And of course, they sure are tasty!

For more information on mushroom hunting and morel mushrooms, visit the Missouri Conservation Site. Click here!

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The Word

Psalm 95:4-5: 4 In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. 5 The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.

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