rental unit in Oregon, MO

Housing Troubles

If you have looked for a rental within the last year or two in the city of Oregon, MO, you know the troubles and how difficult it has become to find something open. Rentals are snatched up quickly and the monthly dues are rising.

One of the few multi housing units in Oregon.

The picture shows a section of one of the few multi housing units in Oregon. It is an old building that has seen better days. The troubles you can see on the surface are most likely replicated in the walls, roof and stairways, etc. It would take a lot of money to get this building back to tip top shape. More money than anyone would want to invest. But if it wasn’t here, there would be nowhere to go for some of the residents. With a a lack of low income housing, these are the majority of affordable rentals for low income families.

There are also no local housing codes in Oregon (none at this time) so housing that is under HUD at least has its minimum requirements for health and safety, but these do not. There are minimal federal and state laws but many larger cities build on top of that. Here is a quick summary for the state of Missouri.

It is frustrating when the only option you have is to live somewhere that may not be safe or get out of a town you love. That is what a lot of low income residents, especially families with multiple children, feel with the housing available in Oregon.

The Housing Wish List

It would be great to see a large multi unit, low income government housing building move to town. One that that has rentals with multiple bedrooms for the families with kids. Getting housing codes on the books with basics covered, as well as provide a means for complaints would be at the top of the wish list. I am not a housing expert by any means. I’m sure there are other ways to help the housing troubles here locally. And I know the economy makes a big difference in housing. It may take a whole community to get improvements done, but it is possible! It would be great to hear some feedback from others on that!

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The Word

1 peter 4:8-9 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

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