Front view of the Holt County Museum and Research Center

Holt County Museum & Research Center

If you see the big red open sign in front of the museum on the East side of the square as you are driving through town, you have to stop! And not just because it is the only tourist spot in Oregon other than food. But because it is full of interesting information and story telling. Then, when you get through the old church building and the barn in back, make sure to follow that up online by visiting their Facebook page.

Wide front view of the Holt County Museum and Research Center

The Holt County Museum is inside an old church building and has many displays of Holt County History. The barn in the back was recently built. It was added on to house the bigger items including a tractor and wagon. I am especially fond of all the great photos on display. The museum has blown many up to large sizes for easy viewing.

Handwritten note describing where an item at the museum came from
Handwritten note on an item in the museum

The museum tells wonderful stories through the notes and descriptions of the items, the displays and the dedicated volunteers who work there. The picture above is just one of many descriptive notes.

The museum is a not for profit organization ran by volunteers. Also, many of the items are donated by the community. It is a great example of how community members can get together to get a big project running.

I would love to hear your favorite things about the museum. Please feel free to comment on the blog post or any of our social media pages!

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The Word

Romans 15:4. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

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