fireworks in Forest City, MO

Forest City Fireworks

The Forest City fireworks are a staple of the 4th of July season in Holt County, MO. Forest City is just a few miles down the road from Oregon. Although it is much smaller, it has some great history. If you ever stop in on a Sunday during the summer, you must stop at the drug store museum for some ice cream and history lessons. The Forest City Lions club sponsors the fireworks shows and volunteers handle putting it together.

Fireworks form the Forest City, MO fireworks, 06/26/22

In previous years, Forest City has made a whole day of the event. They host softball or kickball games, baby and princess/prince contests, live music and maybe even a greased pig contest for the kids. Unfortunately, Covid has caused some hiccups over the past couple years. And this year they were lacking the volunteers needed to put together the extra events. But the fireworks and the volunteers that shoot them off sure put on a show!

The fireworks are shot off over the ballfield where the school’s softball and baseball team play in the fall and summer. The ballfield is next to a park with a bandstand and some old playground equipment that would not pass today’s equipment safety standards. Then separating the park from down town Forest City are the train tracks. You can not have a night at the Forest City ballfield/park without a few trains rolling through and blowing their horns loud enough to get all the kids covering their ears. And of course, everybody loves fireworks pictures.

Fireworks exploding over the ballfield in Forest City, MO 6/26/22

Community Events

Events like these may seem small but they are a big piece of the community. The people of Forest City, Oregon and the surrounding areas make this an annual tradition. These events are what help keep the people connected (in person) and it brings in family members that have moved from the area. It is guaranteed that if you are from Oregon then you will know the majority of the people there.

We welcome you to the Fireworks show next year! It is usually hosted the Sunday before July 4th, although that can change a little. But, all you have to do is ask someone and they will let you know. And Happy Independence Day!

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The Word

1 Peter 2:16. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.

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