Kid's painting on the cat's burial stone to show about burying pets.

Burying Pets

My brother’s cat Sam came to live with us when my brother and his wife made plans to move out of the country. Sam was a large, fluffy, black, elderly cat who fit in with the family right away. Unfortunately, several months later he passed and we had to bury our pet. The girls painted this stone that we used to mark the spot where he was buried.

Brightly painted stone marking a pet's grave to show about burying pets.
Sam’s burial stone.

The topic of burying pets may seem like an odd blog post, but I believe that being able to bury your pets is a wonderful advantage of living with plenty of land surrounding you. We want to give our pets the same respect we give our friends and family. Afterall, they are a part of our family. Painting the stone helped the kids deal with the death of our sweet cat and show how much they cared for him. And now, we have a special spot to always remember him. Burying pets is not something we look forward to, but it helps us grieve and celebrate their lives.

And man, just look at that spot where he gets to lie! It’s a peaceful spot out in the woods where he can return to dust. Rest in peace Handsome Sam!

Kid's painting on the cat's burial stone to show about burying pets.
The back side of Sam’s burial stone

I want to give a quick note about the legalities of burying your pet: Please check your locals laws and regulations. This article gives guidance on the laws in our state of Missouri.

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The Word

Ecclesiastes 3:20. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

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