Picture of a small town square full of vehicles

Annual Firemen’s Barbecue

Picture of a small town square full of vehicles
The parking spaces are full in front of the small town community center where a local barbecue fundraiser is being held

Fundraisers like the annual firemen’s barbecue are what keep several programs going in our community. One of these programs is the volunteer fire department serving Holt County. This photo shows that there is not an empty parking spot near the community center during the event hosted by the department. The firemen cook a meal and offer it for so much a plate. Then, you have the option of eating there or getting it to go. The money raised goes towards the needs of the all volunteer department.

The success of the fundraiser depends solely on the turnout of the community. As you can tell from this photo, the community shows up! The residents of the small towns in the area served, understand the importance of funds for the fire department. So, they do their part to help support them by attending the annual firemen’s barbecue along with many other dinners. And of course it helps that delicious food is given as the reward for some donation dollars!

There are several groups that sell food or dinners for donations. One savvy group hosted a bake sale during the barbecue. They were able to take advantage of the large crowd and hungry bellies that the barbecue brings in. I would be surprised if they didn’t sell every crumb! We definitely brought some dessert home.

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The Word

Matthew 25:40. And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

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