gravel road

Country Roads

Who gets a song in their head when you hear the term “country roads”? Me! And if you listen to country music or John Denver at all, I am guessing that you do too. So, what it so special about the country road that makes it song worthy? I will tell you my own thoughts and then I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Gravel road outside of Oregon, MO

What we call country roads can include blacktop, gravel or even dirt roads that travel through the countryside. They could be curvy or straight, hilly or flat, long winding or dead ends.

Why we love country roads.

The scenery is definitely the best when traveling the back roads. You will see more fields, trees, hills, and nature and less of buildings, vehicles, and houses. Expect to see a deer, turkey, or several other wild animals around Oregon. Nature’s colors will get your attention as well. The fall colors in the picture above are definitely a favorite for me.

You will also notice the peace and quiet. Although vehicles obviously do travel the back roads, there just aren’t near as many of them. You don’t have the noise of high traffic from vehicles or people. You can listen to the sounds of the birds chirp and the wind blowing without being distracted by honking horns or phones ringing.

And lastly, it slows you down! Slowing down helps to focus on what is going on around you and maybe even enjoy it a little more. When you aren’t in a hurry you can stop to smell the roses. You can enjoy memories of going to grandma’s farm come back and take in all the smells and sights.

As you can see, there is a reason we sing about the back roads! I would love to hear your reason! Comment below with your reason or even the title of the song that pops into your head. You can also send me a picture of your favorite country road and I will share them on my Facebook page. Message me on my Facebook page HERE.

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The Word

Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

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