young boy in Christmas pajamas hugs Santa Claus

One Visit To Oregon, MO Before Christmas

A mom slowly loses grip of her impatient kindergartner in one hand while hats, gloves, and coats are piled in her other hand. The line is long and little Susie’s patience is short. Little Susie knows that If a kid can step off the line just a little and stretch to the tops of her tippy toes, she might be able to get a glimpse of the guests of honor.

The Event

Flyer for Oregon, MO Christmas Around the Square event
Snippet of Christmas Around the Square flyer

Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus visit Oregon, MO only one time before Christmas. The trip happens during the Christmas Around the Square event, which is always held on the first Thursday of December. The Community Action Committee hosts the event. It is a group of local volunteers who organize community projects and events throughout the year.

Only one visit to Oregon means only one chance at getting your Christmas list to the big guy. 

This Year’s Visit From Santa

The guests of honor rode on the fire truck as it took a trip around the square, lights flashing and sirens squealing. The fire truck stopped right in front of my shop, because this year, I had the pleasure of capturing the traditional Santa photos. Then Mr. and Mrs. Claus stepped down from the truck and greeted the bouncing, giggling kids who had been waiting for their arrival. The Clauses got in out of the cold and headed to their chairs with a trail of kids behind them. 

Another special guest was already inside. The elegant Sugar Plum fairy helped with line duty and was ready to flip on the snow machine when it was time. The Sugar Plum Fairy was preparing to perform in The Nutcracker in Mound City, Mo a couple of weeks after Christmas Around the Square.

Teenaged girl dressed as the Sugar Plum Fairy posing between Santa and Mrs Claus
The Sugar Plum fairy posed with Mr and Mrs Claus

A Christmas Story?

The classic movie, “A Christmas Story” shows pushy elves shoving children through to an irritated Santa Claus before tossing them down a slide and back to their parents. There wasn’t any shoving or tossing this day in Oregon, MO, though. The Clauses were having fun, and so were the kids. 

Happy kids, shy kids, chatty kids, scared kids, Santa and Mrs. Claus smiled through all the kids. Some children whispered long lists in Santa’s ear and some kids stared wide-eyed into Santa’s face, not remembering a thing they might want for Christmas.  And there were, of course, a few red-faced criers. Although, the criers make some of the most memorable photos. 

Toddler Boy sitting crying on Mrs Clause's lap
This little boy was not interested in sharing his Christmas list with Santa.

The Clauses never lost their cool or forgot their roles. They waited patiently for the shy kids to get their courage and for the not-so-shy kids to finish talking. Santa surprised some kids when he called them by name or mentioned the deer the child had hunted down the previous weekend. It was like he knew the kids of the community like a neighbor. Santa kept it fun with handshakes and high fives and silly poses for the camera. 

Two young girls do a silly pose with Santa by standing on his lb.
Santa came up with the idea for this silly pose.

Mrs. Claus helped to calm babies, provided an extra lap for siblings, and helped make sure everyone remembered to get a picture before sending the children away with a candy cane.

The Sugar Plum fairy and the snow machine helped make the wait to sit on Santa’s lap a little more bearable. 

Standing behind the camera while the kids visited with Santa was a whole new perspective for me. Before this, I had always been the mother struggling to keep the kids wrangled in line. I was in awe at the tactfulness and finesse that Santa and Mrs. Claus showed throughout the busy evening. 

A Lasting Impression

After the Clauses went on their way, I shared with my youngest daughter my amazement at how well the evening went and how much fun Mr. and Mrs. Claus had been. Without hesitation, she responded, “Of course! They are Mr. and Mrs. Claus. They love kids!”. 

Thank You

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Claus who volunteer their time to help spread the Christmas magic in our tiny town in northwest Missouri. And thank you for doing it so well that the kids have no doubt that they are loved. 

young boy in Christmas pajamas hugs Santa Claus
Little boy gives Santa a hug before leaving.

The experience I had this year was memorable and I hope to do it again. I am beyond grateful to have been part of Mr. and Mrs. Claus’s one visit to Oregon, MO before Christmas.

The Word

Matthew 18:1-5. KJV. 18 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

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